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GaN FET Driver

Renewable Energy, Energy Stroage, Zero Carbon Emission

GaN Applications are suitable for MPPT and ESS (Energy Storage System) design architecture.
Gan device plays a key role for the devekopment of zero carbon emission,which provides excellent features, such as high freqency and Zero switching lose.

uPI GaN Driver Family

The uPI family of high speed GaN driver products consists of 3 different devices designed for GaN field effect transistors (FETs) requiring 5V gate drive, which are a single-channel driver – uP1964, a dual-channel drivers – uP1966E designed for half-bridge/full-bridge topologies and a single-channel driver – uP1966D for synchronous rectifier applications.


uPI GaN Power Stage Family

uGaN® , the uPI GaN power stage products integrate high speed driver and two enhancement mode Gallium Nitride(GaN) FETs in a half bridge configuration, and packs all in an ultra-low profile package. The GaN FETs provide very small input capacitance CISS, they significantly reduce switching loss and have near zero reverse recovery.

The uGaN® is a customizable solution. Please contact us for further information on how to integrate uGaN® with your GaN FETs.


GaN Applications




48V PoL



Wireless Power


Solar MPPT


(energy storage system)
